Paris Photography Workshop Nov 2015
For the weekend of 13.Nov – 15.Nov I had made arrangements to attend Andreas Martin‘s Paris photography workshop. Andreas was accompanied by his wife and as we were a small group it promised to be really interesting and very rewarding. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, on Friday evening Nov 13 those terror attacks took place in Paris. At the time we were sitting outside in a restaurant near the Arc de Triomphe when other guests told us that there was an explosion at the football stadium. It was only later that night in the hotel one discovered how terrible it really was what had happened that evening. After discussing whether to stay or go back home we decided to stay. Especially at the beginning the mood was sombre. Initially, we wanted to visit Paris Photo on the Saturday. But as everything was closed on the Saturday and Sunday as well we took to the streets concentrating on street and creative night photography.
As expected the roads very pretty empty Saturday morning as most people stayed inside. The interesting side from a photographers point of view was that e.g. the Arc de Triomphe which is usually surrounded by cars… was standing there in piece and quiet. As the Eifel tour was switched off on Saturday night we only had cars, some advertisement banners and the Christmas market LEDs to work with. Here Andreas showed us some cool tricks with paiting with light. Sunday morning we drove to La Defence to take some architectural shots there.
Equipment used: Leica M & Q. As I prefer b&w I converted most images to that format.
Let’s start with some typical & positive impressions from Paris… people flirting or already in love
My initial selection of photos I posted already here in the following GALLERY
War ein toller Fotoworkshop. Deine Fotos sind genial! Mir gefällt auch das extrem kontrastreiche an deinen Bildern. Meine zwei Favoriten sind zum einen die Serie mit den Verliebten am Anfang und dann noch die symmetrischen Architekturaufnahmen. Ich wünsche dir eine frohe Weihnachtszeit! Andreas
[…] I took this picture 5 years ago Saturday morning Nov 14 2015. During the previous evening Paris unfortunately saw those absolutely horrible attacks of Nov 13. While we sat outside in another Arrondissement in a restaurant we only realized the next morning what fully happened. The original photos from the trip can be found HERE. […]