
Who am I?


my name is David. I am a hobby photographer based in Stuttgart, Germany.
Been working for 20 years in IT, generally dealing with high complex escalated customer situations. My primary hobby is photography which I find a wonderful counter balance to the daily pressure. I see this also a form of meditation. Great to leave the mobile at home and be out trying to find a good shot.

After spending my teens with a Minolta X-700 film camera which included also developing the B&W films, my hobby fell dormant for around 15 years. In late 2012 I picked my hobby up again. My first digital camera was a Nikon D80. Have to admit, that here and there I was suffering from the “GAS” syndrome 😉 Does more megapixels give you better pictures… no…

Why this website?

It was during the first workshop with Thorsten van Overgaard, who encouraged us to setup our own website. It will force you or better “encourage” you to post something on a more regular basis. A side effect is also you get to know WordPress/hosting/Linux etc. but it is also a tool to review one’s own progress or lack of… 😉


  • Great inspiration and tips & tricks I got from several photography workshops with: Andreas Martin.
    The highlights here have been the trips to Venice and Paris.
  • To improve my B&W photography I attended a dedicated B&W Masterclass and two 1:1 sessions with Paul Gallagher. Additional workshops with his company Aspect2i.co.uk followed. The highlights were here the Aspect2i trips to Japan (Hokkaido in winter), USA (Yosemite) & Iceland.
  • Edmund Bugdoll (Fotoakademie München) is another great resource and inspiration for me who helped me develop my skills and techniques further in 2016 until this year 2020. Here the highlights were the several B&W workshops in Venice, two in Sylt and two in Iceland.
  • David Osborn – This was probably the most intensive course I ever did. 1:1 across 12 days with a real in-depth Photoshop advanced course. Still processing all the input…
  • A recent source of inspiration and fantastic post processing skills has been in 2020 Jay Vulture with his various tutorials!

Even if one is only doing this for oneself, it is great fun and you learn something new. Still spending too much time in the day to day job 😉

All feedback is welcome. Moreover, I am also always happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the locations that I visited.

Take care & wishing you good light!



PS: WordPress theme is “Border” from Pixelgrade.com – really great company and support (if needed).

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There are 5 comments

  1. Thomas Wiemer

    Grüße aus Lehrte und Danke für die Tipps am Wochenende. Ich habe mir mit Begeisterung deine Bilder angeschaut und bin gespannt auf weiteres…….und wo war die Nähmaschine?
    Gruß Thomas

  2. admin

    Hallo Thomas,
    sorry, war die ganze letzte Woche beruflich unterwegs.
    Die Nähmaschine war im ersten Raum links, wenn man aus dem großen Ballsaal durch die linke Tür ging. Dort wo es dann auch in den Keller geht.
    Bin dabei eine Reihe in B&W zu erstellen, feile aber noch am einheitlichen Bildlook 🙂

  3. Herbert

    Hallo David,
    von Deinen Fotografien bin ich hoch beeindruckt. Die hast eine Art zu fotografieren, die mir sehr gut gefällt. Deine Islandbilder sind Hammer, tolle Impressionen!
    Gruß, Herbert

    • admin

      Danke Herbert für Dein positives Feedback! Die Vestrahorn Bilder machen mich noch nicht so richtig glücklich. Das erinnert mich, ich muss Island vom letzten Jahr noch verlinken 😉
      Viele Grüße!

  4. Alanna

    How lovely to see your beautiful photos and find out a little bit more about yourself and your fabulous hobby, you are very talented David! Photography is also a great love of mine, I am passionate about it, inherited from my Father who is a fabulous amateur photographer – we grew up with him always in his favourite place in our back garden – his specially constructed dark room. I do not yet practise myself, I am simply an admirer, as other hobbies are priority for me still, but one day I will get there 🙂 You are a source of inspiration David!

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